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CNN's Jake Tapper LIVID W.H. is Decrying 'Both Sides' in Charlottesville
Charlottesville mayor's full CNN interview
Tapper spars with Trump adviser over Charlottesville response
GOP senator condemns white nationalists (full interview)
White supremacist rally organizer confronted
Biggest hate rally in decades in US white Charlottesville - why?
State Of The Union , August 13,17: Trump condemns Charlottesville violence 'on many sides'
CNN's Ana Navarro Loses Her Mind Over Trump's Charlottesville 'Dog Whistle'
ABC News: Justice department opens a civil rights investigation around the Charlottesville incidents
Jake Tapper 3/17/18 - OWNS Kellyanne Conway On Trump's Horrible Reponse To Woman Abuser Rob Porter
#Charlottesville: No Winners
Wolf Blitzer Reports on CHARLOTTESVILLE VA - CNN AUG 15 2017